Language Arts

If I am Alive...
If I am alive, it is because I have a purpose in life. The bible tells us that we were created for five special reasons; To please God, to be part of His family, imitate Christ,, to serve, and last but not least, to perform a mission.

God’s perfect love is the essence of the unknown, divine, and special reason that we were placed here on earth. He provides peace to our hearts, like the touch of soft, easy, silk, carefully pressed against my skin, giving me a relax sensation, like if nothing could be softer. We don’t want to let go of this sensation, because it brings peace to our senses. Pleasing God has this great reward, and all we have to do is delight in Him as much as He does, unconditionally with no remorse at all. We are the only creatures created by God’s wonderful hand that have the capacity of knowing his love, which belongs to every single one of us. If you want to satisfy the Lord, just gently with no hesitation, tell Him how much you need it, just by saying this, the long process will begin throughout your life, with bumps in the way, but moving forward, towards the goal.
A different plan was set for each one of us, but we all share one similarity and that is to be part of Christ’s beautiful family. To honor and reign with Him through eternity. We are all brothers from another mother in Christ! Each with the privilege to sit at the very same table and enjoy the juicy, big buffet He served for us. Now, for a family to be strong there must be harmony, agreement. Everybody must be unanimous, so that it is easier to relish in the presence of the Lord. The bible tells us, “As a young man marries a maiden, so will your sons marry you” (Isaiah 62:5). Falling in love is one of the best feelings ever, it is sublime, and makes us happy. That is how our family in the Lord should be, in love with the one and only perfect, Lord of Lords, God.
“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our own image, according to Our likeness…” (Genesis 1:26).  We humans were created as the resemblance of God, beings that are expected to imitate the example of Jesus. He was the testimony of how a man with the Holy Spirit is supposed to act.  With: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, humbleness, faith, humility, and self-domain. But, yet the most valuable is love. We are nothing without love. You may have all this characteristics, but they will be useless.

1 Corinthian gives us the best meaning of our lives without love, here is one small verse I’ll share with you, “Love is patient, love is kind. It is does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily- angered…”Let’s try to do our best to be like Christ, beautifully and carefully transforming into His love.
Serving, sounds like something you won’t enjoy, as humans we don’t like to serve, we want to be serve. It involves humbleness, it does not make you less, it makes you more to the eyes of the Lord and that is all that matters. Sometimes, the worst problem in your life, what you less like about you, or any circumstance, the things that shame you, are the most powerful tools God place in you to bless, cheer, and minister others. He wants to use your weaknesses, not  our strengths. Examine your character and ask yourself how you can serve Him with what you have.
The mission. What is our mission here on earth? It is to be ambassadors of the Lord! To proclaim His word to those who need it. Our friends, family, teachers, anyone who deserves it  ( Everybody deserves it).   Guide people in the word of the Lord. “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any doubled- edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints, and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrew 4:12). The bible is a powerful word and weapon that can change many lives, just ask the Lord for mind. So, please the Lord, be part of His family, Imitate, serve, and complete your mission, but overall love. Love everyone and everything! Enjoy your purpose in life, God wants for us to be happy. We will not be completely happy here on earth, we will be fulfilled when we get to be with Him in His presence.

 Junior and Senior Year
High school has been a great experience for me. We, usually as humans , capitulate in our mind the greatest moments we have had in our life and I will forever remember my high school years; junior and senior year. It has been fun including getting used to physics, which has been a chastisement for all of us. Every day we pray for this class to be over! Some may be really good in this class but let`s be candor; it is hell Not only Physics has been difficult but many other classes, since most were introduced this two last years for us. We wish for a catharsis to come over us because we have no peace at all! Homework won`t let us rest!

There have been good times besides homework. Being in high school is growing up and becoming more independent and I enjoy that. Responsibilities have slowly transformed me and improved me in many ways. Pressure is a factor that caused a difference in me. We go around asking for clemency to teachers without realizing that it can be good for us. It will always be in our life, we just notice it until now.
Now, junior year brought many caustic, beautiful, and brand new situations that I had never faced before. Physics, as I said before is one of them, introduced by Mr. Jose Popoff. He won an unjust fame of being a callous, insensible human. That is so mean and false (although I bought it for some time) because in tenth grade we got to know him better and we realized that he is a good teacher. We were just making excuses about the class and chastised ourselves every night crying and saying how awful Physics was because of him. We were so wrong, I was so wrong!

It is two thousand eleven now and we, as a clique of senior students, are getting closer to college! Social work is on and responsibilities are even more. Each day that goes by runs fast because time is not enough, but if we can waste time watching television the entire day, we can use it for something that will help and that is making homework. Senior year is even better than last year! Physics is just one more class of the bunch and I have less stress meltdowns! That is probably because I got used to the pressure, which I will continue living with throughout my entire life.

At last, I want to end by stating one thing; senior year has been (and I’m just getting started) even better because we have coalesced as a class. I’m appreciating with all my heart TES and the events that we go to together.  I must enjoy these days, these would be my last as high school student and I will no longer have my terrible and funny classmates! There are bittersweet moments this year but nothing would ever compare to it. I love it even more than junior year and I wish I could keep forever these memories in my mind!

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