lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

A Potential Mistake or a Potential Success

I have been stuck in a two way road thinking which way should I take! I still have time to think over my decision. What should I do? What will help me the most? What will help others? What can be a brighter future for my life? How will be better to help the ones I love? I do not know yet which way to take but either decision can be a potential mistake or a potential success. There is trouble in my mind tryng to see the entire view of what may be the consequences of both ways, but anyways, is just more trouble for me because i will never get to know the real future. My decision will affect my life, people I love, and my surroundings. I cannot guess, instead analyze the panorama. It is about choosing my career. Should I take what I have passion for or what is more advantageous for my life? I have been prayng, getting advice, but I hae not come to a final decision...but I am getting there, I know I am really close!

When you see a small plant, on the earth you might never guess that it may become into a huge tree and produce juicy fruits. You may get an idea of what is it going to be like if you know what type of tree it is but you know the flavor until you get a bite from the fruits! That is my philosophy, I want to grow into a beautiful huge tree that pruduces delicious fruits for everyone to enjoy! I want to make people happy but through Jesus Christ! I am still a seed, I need some fresh water, I am planted on good soil, but I have to keep looking for my sunlight, Jesus, to grow tall and strong. There is potential in me, potential that God placed in everyone I must put it into work! My decision has to be strong and secure, it will be a risk either of my choice. I will tell you when I get to my final decision!

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