jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

Take it Easy

I remember that when I was like ten or eight there was not much to worry about. Probably because I did not know much, ignorance was a blessing. Now, some years later, I get easily stress and worry. All this stress is messing with my happiness! Parents usually said, " let go, take it easy", like it  will just take seconds to feel better. But I realized that it does take seconds, well..if you want to! Just go to your special place with God! I mean like to pray or just read the bible or someting like that! Taking breaks is not a guilty pleasure when you have tons of work! Senior year is teaching me many things, probably I get to be more mature when I reach college. 

College!!! I am so hasty about it! I just want to study what I long for! But first lets finish senior year! OH MY!!! My last year at school must go fast but as I said lets not worry about it. Everything has its own time, God provides 24 hours, for many it may not seem  much but God knows exactly how we can take advantage of one day and enjoy it! 

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