miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Tools for School: BrainGenie

In our class we have been able to find many interesting web pages that make our studies more entertaining and engaging activities. Making a class fun, can make an improvement in our learning because we are having fun but at the same time we are learning! On my Biology class on Monday we tested a new page where we performed several quizzes having to do with biology, It was a rather fun activity, I did not even realize that the two hours of class had gone so fast because I was so into the quizzes (Imagine that!). This new site is called BrainGenie. It is quite interesting, you can login as a student or teacher. In my case, I logged in as a student but my teacher (Mr. Jose Popoff) had already chosen a username and password for me and my classmate, that way he may keep a control in our activities in the page as a teacher.

Some observation that I made of this site is how organize all my activity is. I like that because I can see my progress very well and it is not in a mess. Mr. Popoff showed us our progress in his page as teacher. We could see everything in graphs that we could easily understand and read. Performing the quizzes was great; when I had wrong answer the site will show me and my teammates the correct answer and the procedure or explanation of that answer! Excellent Idea! Something I did not like was that questions appeared to repeat and we had to answer them all over again in order for us to complete the task. I loved the page, if many other teachers knew about this page it will be great. We have to share this great sites with others to make education advance and entertaining!

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