jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011


Supposedly eleventh grade will be totally easy for me, tenth grade was hell, so eleventh is heaven.. what a lie! It is even worst! I almost quit studying last weekend (just joking around, he-he..)! I said to myself last vacation, Finally I'm going to have tons of time to read, watch t.v., do my artistic stuff, watch t.v. again, and spend free time, but guess what? No!No! I became a really busy person. I guess that it good..in some way, because I'm learning totally new things! I have a headache every now and then, but nah..who cares. it is just my health! No big deal!Whatever! I'm use to it! (Sunshine is paying my medical insurance..thanks!).
A great advantage..disadvantage..whatever.. is technology. All this web pages, are getting me dizzy!!  I don't like technology that much, but something is happening to me, (nooo!!!) I'm liking it..yes. My ideology against all this stuff is changing, for good! I realized it can help me, it does help me. In the university I will be the one who brings new stuff (yeah right)!Anyways, I have to leave it up to here. Blog people, blog, it is cool. See you!!! Treat animals right! Love you (even though maybe I don't know you) Enjoy my fresh blog!
                                                      Sincerely, Steph.

2 comentarios:

  1. We can accomplish our dream dear Stephanie! Graduation :)

  2. Well, actually I believe you will innovate when you hit college. But over all things guard your heart and keep yourself humble. Remember that all we have is due to Him, by Him and for Him.
