lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Making the best of my Time

It is 10:59 in the morning, and I'm sitting here with my computer writing a blog! While in vacations, at the same time, I was taking a nap that will last until 1:30! I can't believe thoes days went so fast! I really need them back, but for now on my free day I will spend it making the homeworks for the week. I prefer pressure for a day than for a week.
Well, you see, when I'm stressed for a day it is horrible, but for a weekend.....I could kill somone!Jesus is helping me right now because with all this tons of homework I'm learning not only about school stuff  but also to be more patient, tolerant, to work in team! That is a great help since I need it so much.Ah! By the way, I have a terrible problem on writting essays, and guess what... I have two essays to make! Thank You Lord...Thank you! Patience, Patience, the year will go fast! For now I'll enjoy being a senior (yeah sure!).

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