jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011


Why do good people suffer? Why do bad things happen to good people? I always make those questions to myself. Why are there little kids suffering if they are innocent? So many questions that we want to ask God, He works in strang and wonderful ways but He made me realized that there is more than life. Suffering is part of life  and when we die God will give us the best reward if we left the earth doing what is according to his word. I know that all that good people that is not receiving justice and that are in good ways will enjoy the reward!
And you know something about this people that I am telling you about, sometimes they are the most optimistic people you can meet! It is unbelievable and a true example of how we should be!
Lately in class, we have been reading Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. This book opens your eyes to reality and how injustice affects many different people, What is the most interesting thing about it....how ech one faces that tough reality they leave. It is all about our actitude, a lesson for life!

Take it Easy

I remember that when I was like ten or eight there was not much to worry about. Probably because I did not know much, ignorance was a blessing. Now, some years later, I get easily stress and worry. All this stress is messing with my happiness! Parents usually said, " let go, take it easy", like it  will just take seconds to feel better. But I realized that it does take seconds, well..if you want to! Just go to your special place with God! I mean like to pray or just read the bible or someting like that! Taking breaks is not a guilty pleasure when you have tons of work! Senior year is teaching me many things, probably I get to be more mature when I reach college. 

College!!! I am so hasty about it! I just want to study what I long for! But first lets finish senior year! OH MY!!! My last year at school must go fast but as I said lets not worry about it. Everything has its own time, God provides 24 hours, for many it may not seem  much but God knows exactly how we can take advantage of one day and enjoy it! 

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

Are You a Popcorn Fan? Take a Look at this!

I love popcorns! Whoever discover it, thank you soo much! The taste is perfect, specially with salt! Yummy!
Recently I was going through the library books and I found this awesome book that described the benefits of popcorns! I was not able to read it that much but I investigated on the internet about it and I found amny interesting facts about it:
1) Popcorns are healthy whole grains that prevent heart disease and diabetes!
2)It  is high in antioxidants which means that it helps to burn down fat!
3)The issue is that the butter we put in popcorns is the one that damage our organisms.
So prepare them the right way! No butter and do not take that much salt! Do not go crazy on popcorns either, nothing in excess is good!

Sleep, Rest

Sometimes we do not realize the importance of taking a good nap but sleeping should be a health habit we should consider. Sleep helps the brain commit new information to memory through a process called memory consolidation. In studies, people who’d slept after learning a task did better on tests later. It even affects our weight! Chronic sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by affecting the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones that affect our appetite.
Our mood and other factors are also affected so we have to start getting a little more rest people! So, teachers just see how you are affecting our health!! No, just joking, if anyone is responsible it is me! No blame teachers!

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Making the best of my Time

It is 10:59 in the morning, and I'm sitting here with my computer writing a blog! While in vacations, at the same time, I was taking a nap that will last until 1:30! I can't believe thoes days went so fast! I really need them back, but for now on my free day I will spend it making the homeworks for the week. I prefer pressure for a day than for a week.
Well, you see, when I'm stressed for a day it is horrible, but for a weekend.....I could kill somone!Jesus is helping me right now because with all this tons of homework I'm learning not only about school stuff  but also to be more patient, tolerant, to work in team! That is a great help since I need it so much.Ah! By the way, I have a terrible problem on writting essays, and guess what... I have two essays to make! Thank You Lord...Thank you! Patience, Patience, the year will go fast! For now I'll enjoy being a senior (yeah sure!).

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011


Supposedly eleventh grade will be totally easy for me, tenth grade was hell, so eleventh is heaven.. what a lie! It is even worst! I almost quit studying last weekend (just joking around, he-he..)! I said to myself last vacation, Finally I'm going to have tons of time to read, watch t.v., do my artistic stuff, watch t.v. again, and spend free time, but guess what? No!No! I became a really busy person. I guess that it good..in some way, because I'm learning totally new things! I have a headache every now and then, but nah..who cares. it is just my health! No big deal!Whatever! I'm use to it! (Sunshine is paying my medical insurance..thanks!).
A great advantage..disadvantage..whatever.. is technology. All this web pages, are getting me dizzy!!  I don't like technology that much, but something is happening to me, (nooo!!!) I'm liking it..yes. My ideology against all this stuff is changing, for good! I realized it can help me, it does help me. In the university I will be the one who brings new stuff (yeah right)!Anyways, I have to leave it up to here. Blog people, blog, it is cool. See you!!! Treat animals right! Love you (even though maybe I don't know you) Enjoy my fresh blog!
                                                      Sincerely, Steph.