martes, 6 de marzo de 2012

A Hand?

When we have talents and gifts for something, we do not look for help because we are able to do the job by ourselves. When we work in groups and think that we understand the topic perfectly, we will ignore others that are supposed to work with us. When we act that way ( I do it almost everytime..) we are committing a great mistake, because we always need help and support. Everybody has different ideas and a ways of thinking that may improve the final outcome of a project. Asking for help is not a weakness, instead it is a strength. We gather more knowledge when we learn from many people. But there is a limit for everything, even for asking for help. We  have to learn things by ourselves,for example by  reading, analyzing, observing, and investigating what we do not understand very well. If we do not do this, then we are lazy, extremely lazy and that is a weakness!

Be the helper and need the help! We are going to be both through out life and we have to do it the best way we can. With humbleness and willingness in our hearts, expecting nothing back1 God is our help all the time, even though we fail and ignore Him most of the time. Everytime we approach to Him we are listened and helped, but at the correct time which is His time! I decided that from now on I will have a good attitude and I will try to help and work with others to cheer God and many people! I wil be joyful too because I will know that I am making other people happy and just by that fact I will be happy! Reach out a hand then, just like God does, with no conditions just love.

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

A Potential Mistake or a Potential Success

I have been stuck in a two way road thinking which way should I take! I still have time to think over my decision. What should I do? What will help me the most? What will help others? What can be a brighter future for my life? How will be better to help the ones I love? I do not know yet which way to take but either decision can be a potential mistake or a potential success. There is trouble in my mind tryng to see the entire view of what may be the consequences of both ways, but anyways, is just more trouble for me because i will never get to know the real future. My decision will affect my life, people I love, and my surroundings. I cannot guess, instead analyze the panorama. It is about choosing my career. Should I take what I have passion for or what is more advantageous for my life? I have been prayng, getting advice, but I hae not come to a final decision...but I am getting there, I know I am really close!

When you see a small plant, on the earth you might never guess that it may become into a huge tree and produce juicy fruits. You may get an idea of what is it going to be like if you know what type of tree it is but you know the flavor until you get a bite from the fruits! That is my philosophy, I want to grow into a beautiful huge tree that pruduces delicious fruits for everyone to enjoy! I want to make people happy but through Jesus Christ! I am still a seed, I need some fresh water, I am planted on good soil, but I have to keep looking for my sunlight, Jesus, to grow tall and strong. There is potential in me, potential that God placed in everyone I must put it into work! My decision has to be strong and secure, it will be a risk either of my choice. I will tell you when I get to my final decision!

miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Tools for School: BrainGenie

In our class we have been able to find many interesting web pages that make our studies more entertaining and engaging activities. Making a class fun, can make an improvement in our learning because we are having fun but at the same time we are learning! On my Biology class on Monday we tested a new page where we performed several quizzes having to do with biology, It was a rather fun activity, I did not even realize that the two hours of class had gone so fast because I was so into the quizzes (Imagine that!). This new site is called BrainGenie. It is quite interesting, you can login as a student or teacher. In my case, I logged in as a student but my teacher (Mr. Jose Popoff) had already chosen a username and password for me and my classmate, that way he may keep a control in our activities in the page as a teacher.

Some observation that I made of this site is how organize all my activity is. I like that because I can see my progress very well and it is not in a mess. Mr. Popoff showed us our progress in his page as teacher. We could see everything in graphs that we could easily understand and read. Performing the quizzes was great; when I had wrong answer the site will show me and my teammates the correct answer and the procedure or explanation of that answer! Excellent Idea! Something I did not like was that questions appeared to repeat and we had to answer them all over again in order for us to complete the task. I loved the page, if many other teachers knew about this page it will be great. We have to share this great sites with others to make education advance and entertaining!

martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

How Can I Help You?

It is hard to help someone who wants to change but does not realize that in order for him/her to make a change there must be a sacrifice and effort. I wish I could help people by just advicing them on what is the right thing to do and why they should do it, but it does not work that way. God is an example; He always tries to help us but sometimes we do not want to face circumstances that are different or hard to go through. Everything depends on your own mentality and what you think of yourself. If a change in your life occurred you must embrace it and accept what will come with mere commitment and you will love the outcome on your journey.

From now on I will do my best to help others by praying for them. PRAYING IS THE BEST TOOL, it is what I can do for now but I know that eventually I will be transform to a tool and will have an action in helping others! Last but not least, everybody wants to change a bad aspect of their life( I am one included) but we can do everything in God if we are willing to have a compromise with Him, we may fail but we can get right up again( I repeat this alot in my blog..probably because I fail constantly!).

lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012

My Dream Job

Time is going fast, I am growing up, the end of school is near, and the demand each day is even more. Thinking what I am going to study has been a topic in my mind since I was little, but know it is serious and I have to give my final decision pretty soon. When I was in fourth grade it was all about my future as a veterinarian,because of my love for animals, I also wished to become a famous painter, since drawing and painting is part of my favorite hobbies. Now that I am seventeen (Something that seemed so far away when I was ten!!), people tend to tell you that you have to go for the money, and just for the money, because nowadays it is even more difficult to reach for a dream job even with good studies. Not only this thoughts of people that surround me affected my decision but also my age. I realized, as I went through other topics at school that I like other things! But in my mind I still don´t have a clear idea of what will I get to do!

I talked to God about this and He, in His wisdom, gave me a clue. My dad had to give a small conference at church last Sunday and he got to this topic!! God was talking to me! My father presented a stadistic done in the U.SA. by some people which refered to the most happy jobs which were jobs as being a fireman, pastor, psychologist, civil engineer, and some others I do not remember right now. Why were this jobs called "the happy jobs"?  The reason is because it involves helping others; this is why people who have this type of work love what they do! Helping others will make you feel good inside just by thinking that you are part of a great life changing movement!
I have not taken my decision yet of what to study, but I know that I must do something that will help my beautiful country to reach the Lord!

sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

What Dwells in Me

Recently, a tragedy occured in my country, Honduras, in the city of Comayagua. A state prison got on fire and about 350 men died, most of them were gang members (like a 90% we can say). They were not innocent, but they were human beings and the way they died was not the best. No police guard was harmed and no guard open the gates for the prisoners to escape from the fire! It is incredible how many lifes for the Lord were lost! Moments like this makes us impotent and angry. This men needed of God and I know that He was sad to know his sons were not going to be in his presence. Sin took over them and now there is no turning back!

Apostle Paul once said, And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t.  I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.  But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it (Romans 7:18-20).  Sin leaves within us, and what God wants from us is to learn to beat it and through His strength we can do it! No man on earth is perfect and Our God knows that, when we fail or fall he will pick us up, we just have to asked for help. As christians we can spread Salvation everywhere, just picture how many lives will be saved. People such as gang members need to know about the Lord, and we need to feed our lives with His word!

Childhood Memories

Ignorance is blessed and that is what made my childhood the best time of my life. As a kid, I was always in trouble! I broke the record of breaking my mom´s glassware, I spend the afternoons riding bike along the streets of my neighborhood, I asked awkward question, fought with my sister, picked many homeless animals form the streets, played soccer, and many other fun things that caused many scars on my skin!
That was fun, everything was happiness. One of my best memories was when I escaped with my sister and cousins from my aunt´s house and went to the MANGO TREE! The mango tree was the talk in town among kids, it was the finest place to have some chill time! Only kids knew about it, since it was at the end of the street and surrounded by tall, itchy grass, we could not tell our parents, we already knew (well..supposed) they will tell us there were many snakes there! They were wrong...there were many bees! Anyways, the feature we loved the most, was the swinging branch! We had to make a tower of kids to get someone up the branch, then a tall guy will pull the branch with all his strength and then release it! It was the most fun and dangerous we enjoyed! I laughed like stupid when I got on that huge branch which had the form of a big arm! Miss those days!

Mango Tree is gone. Some people had to cut it to build some houses; a tragic moment! Now, everything is different, I am not ignorant anymore but I still brake my mom´s glassware!! For me it is sad to see that kids do not spend much of their time out of their homes. They are glue to computers and videogames! Kids go out!! Play outdoors, get scars, go crazy, do something! My kids are going to be happy kids I will teach them to be naughty! That is the way they are supposed to be, Kids need to explore more!