sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

Childhood Memories

Ignorance is blessed and that is what made my childhood the best time of my life. As a kid, I was always in trouble! I broke the record of breaking my mom´s glassware, I spend the afternoons riding bike along the streets of my neighborhood, I asked awkward question, fought with my sister, picked many homeless animals form the streets, played soccer, and many other fun things that caused many scars on my skin!
That was fun, everything was happiness. One of my best memories was when I escaped with my sister and cousins from my aunt´s house and went to the MANGO TREE! The mango tree was the talk in town among kids, it was the finest place to have some chill time! Only kids knew about it, since it was at the end of the street and surrounded by tall, itchy grass, we could not tell our parents, we already knew (well..supposed) they will tell us there were many snakes there! They were wrong...there were many bees! Anyways, the feature we loved the most, was the swinging branch! We had to make a tower of kids to get someone up the branch, then a tall guy will pull the branch with all his strength and then release it! It was the most fun and dangerous we enjoyed! I laughed like stupid when I got on that huge branch which had the form of a big arm! Miss those days!

Mango Tree is gone. Some people had to cut it to build some houses; a tragic moment! Now, everything is different, I am not ignorant anymore but I still brake my mom´s glassware!! For me it is sad to see that kids do not spend much of their time out of their homes. They are glue to computers and videogames! Kids go out!! Play outdoors, get scars, go crazy, do something! My kids are going to be happy kids I will teach them to be naughty! That is the way they are supposed to be, Kids need to explore more!

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