miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Easy Come, Easy Go

I thought for a moment all the troubles I have been through my entire, short life. Since I was a child I crossed with many circumstances that seemed hard to overcome. When I was seven, falling or hitting myself was a problem ( I cried like crazy). When I was twelve getting along with everyone was difficult and fights where everywhere. When I got to high school, building my self- esteem was hard and trouble-like( it still is..sometimes). My body changes was BIG issue too.. I could not get use to the fact that I was growing. Tenth Grada was all about, " Physics makes my life a living hell!". Now, I am just stress about anything... and I am so wrong (Don't panic..I am changing already.)!  Then I thought of the good moments with my family, friends, God, myself, etc. When I think about it I realize THIS IS A GOOD LIFE!

At times, I do not get why we humans love drama! We want our lifes to just like those cheesy movies and T.V. series! It is pathetic (Oh noo.. I am pathetic)! We wnat to feel like if there is supposed to be tension to feel some excitement about something and then we noticed that we could have made everything fun and joyful but because we are such drama queens, we mess everything up! I mess everything up! In this short moment God has grant us here on earth we are suppose to be free and happy and  remember, love God and do whatever you want!

My Blogging experience

In this last year of high school there are many things we should already know, in math, biology, physics,etc. One of the most important requierements we must manage very well is our english. Because is english is my second language, practicing it must become a routine (I wrote this a thousand times in my essays about english!). Writing and expressing myself in this language helps me improve it. Several aspects of blogging makes my english better, like spelling, pronunciation, and writing with sense.

Another thing that makes blog a helpful tool is expression. Expressing what we feel and do makes us innovative thinkers. Everybody has different opinions and believes and through a blog we get to manifest how we feel and what we think abou a specific subject, For example, my blog is completely random. Sometimes I write about things I like or feelings tha affect me. It depends on you and what you will like for your blog to be about. Anyways, everybody loves to share their thoughts!

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Is a Mistake an Error?

"Experience is the name everyone give to their mistakes" (James Joyce). How right could this quote be? There is true in it, totally. If we do not have mistakes in our daily life we won't learn how to live or enjoy living! Isn't it crazy how things go around!? From every bad situation something good comes out,a lesson is learned; lessons that we will carry in our hearts that can be to help others so they can't make the same mistakes as we did. WE USUALLY WE DO NOT HAVE FUN MAKING MISTAKES, OF COURSE, BUT MAKING MISTAKES IS WHAT MAKES FUN THE ROAD!

When we are concentrated on a goal or purpose sometimes we do not enjoy the route we take to it, because we are negative along the way and that is what the goal is all about, making everything as positive as we can! Nobody is perfect and God is not expecting for us to do everything perfect, He knows that we are humans and we make mistakes. We fall down but God wants to see how we get up. Be successful when you face an error you cannot reverse, face the fear and move on, it will be hard but the price will be the best!

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

Alone Again, Naturally!

One of my best friends went to live to the US, I have other best friends but I will hang with her the most and we talked about anything! i do with my other three best friends but with her I went to church and school so we had more things in common to share. I really miss her alot, I cried and cried..and cried because she was leaving adn these days I have felt so lonely inside! I want to joke around with her and talk about boys and other topics that made us laugh and cry sometimes. As I said, I feel lonely, but maybe it can be good but not for long.

Loneliness can be good at times, when you go for long walks, read, meditate of life, or when you pray. Spending time with yourself is good but no for a long time because you do not have to let this feeling tight you up because it can really close you up and you may forget about the importance of being social and spending time with those you love. Even though I have felt lonely I want to be with my friends but I want them to know how I feel for them to support me! I need them! Maybe my dearest friend left but I still have people I love here nd I have to enjoy them and love them! Loneliness is just for a while..but anyways in my lonely whiles I know God is with me and I meditate in Him!

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

My Type of Friend

I have many friends  that I have known through school, church, and others that I have known because they live nearby or some that I have known since my childhood. No matter how I got to know them, I consider that special someone my friend. We choose the people we want to be friends of  and they chose me. Why? Maybe they like the way we are or probably we just spend so much time with them that we call them friends, For example, I consider my classmates, friends, because I have known them for a long time. I know how they truly are and they know me very well because we tend to do many crazy things when we are with people we feel comfortable. So...friends are everywhere. But, what makes a true friend;that special someone that you choose to carry in your heart no matter the distance or problem you face?

True friends are found in hard situations. When we go through problems that we cannot handle by our own , we will know who is our true friend if we have that person with us the entire time to support us in many ways. Forgiveness is something that is always present in a good friendship, because fights are always present, but they are only to make the relationship stronger! 
At times, in the worst moments there is nobody for me, I do not tell my family how I feel because I do not want to worry them, so I look for a friend to tell them how I feel and to make me laugh when I am sad. I give thanks to God my best friend for being with me and for putting in my life, people who I love and I call best friends! 

martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Dust in the Wind

After my first day of class this 2012, I  begged my dad for an agenda! I'm very organized when it comes to my tasks and things I have to do so I always keep an agenda with me. My last agenda got lost! I do not know where, but anyways my dad will grant me one, so we went downtown to get one. We inmediately found one and he bought it for me! I was pretty excited because having one keeps my thoughts organized and the stress is less (I guess in some way) . As we returned home in the car, one of my favorite songs was being played on the radio; Dust in the Wind. It is not christian AT ALL, but I really enjoy it's message. The songs tells us about how everything on earth that we do, no matter how good we do it will not matter at the end, and all those things we go crazy about will dissapear because we are just dust in the wind! 

God created us from dust and when we die, we will become dust.What will matter at the end is what we did for God, if we completed our mission, that is what it is all about at the end! I am not saying that I will no longer be responsable and organized but I will no longer take so seriously my problems and my obligations I have to enjoy my time here on earth and be a good christian because God expects that from me, and from you too!

lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

2012! A Change for the Best!

A new year has come to us, this is the beginning of a new opportunity for everyone! Looking back at last year, I realize that I made many promises to myself. I was supposed to change for good some aspects of my life, but I was not able to complete my task. It is incredible how, we humans tend to loose interest in things that we were so excited about once, things that turn into a old memory or wish. Imagine how far we will get if we only accomplish all the plans we have for the year! How good a change will feel!
Take a Road of Change!

I don't feel like promising myself something right now I'm scared of disappointment at the end of this year but I have to make some plans! I will face my commitment in December1 So, my first plan is to read. T.V most not be part of my entire time, it affects my needs for reading since spending time watching television wakes an anxiety and  a need for more of it, so T.V. has to go for at least some hours! Drawing used to be one of my most current activities and I enjoyed my time practicing, that must happen again! And last but not least, I must be more with the Lord, a friend that I have ignore for some time, but yet He never leaves me! I recommend for somebody out there reading my blog, to try to speak to God or search Him, and do not expect an answer immediately, God works with patience and love, He will answer at the best time. To make a change in your life and everyone else life this 2012, start with God, I will do the same! I will inform you everything my blog! SEE YOU!