miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

My Blogging experience

In this last year of high school there are many things we should already know, in math, biology, physics,etc. One of the most important requierements we must manage very well is our english. Because is english is my second language, practicing it must become a routine (I wrote this a thousand times in my essays about english!). Writing and expressing myself in this language helps me improve it. Several aspects of blogging makes my english better, like spelling, pronunciation, and writing with sense.

Another thing that makes blog a helpful tool is expression. Expressing what we feel and do makes us innovative thinkers. Everybody has different opinions and believes and through a blog we get to manifest how we feel and what we think abou a specific subject, For example, my blog is completely random. Sometimes I write about things I like or feelings tha affect me. It depends on you and what you will like for your blog to be about. Anyways, everybody loves to share their thoughts!

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