miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

My Type of Friend

I have many friends  that I have known through school, church, and others that I have known because they live nearby or some that I have known since my childhood. No matter how I got to know them, I consider that special someone my friend. We choose the people we want to be friends of  and they chose me. Why? Maybe they like the way we are or probably we just spend so much time with them that we call them friends, For example, I consider my classmates, friends, because I have known them for a long time. I know how they truly are and they know me very well because we tend to do many crazy things when we are with people we feel comfortable. So...friends are everywhere. But, what makes a true friend;that special someone that you choose to carry in your heart no matter the distance or problem you face?

True friends are found in hard situations. When we go through problems that we cannot handle by our own , we will know who is our true friend if we have that person with us the entire time to support us in many ways. Forgiveness is something that is always present in a good friendship, because fights are always present, but they are only to make the relationship stronger! 
At times, in the worst moments there is nobody for me, I do not tell my family how I feel because I do not want to worry them, so I look for a friend to tell them how I feel and to make me laugh when I am sad. I give thanks to God my best friend for being with me and for putting in my life, people who I love and I call best friends! 

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