miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Easy Come, Easy Go

I thought for a moment all the troubles I have been through my entire, short life. Since I was a child I crossed with many circumstances that seemed hard to overcome. When I was seven, falling or hitting myself was a problem ( I cried like crazy). When I was twelve getting along with everyone was difficult and fights where everywhere. When I got to high school, building my self- esteem was hard and trouble-like( it still is..sometimes). My body changes was BIG issue too.. I could not get use to the fact that I was growing. Tenth Grada was all about, " Physics makes my life a living hell!". Now, I am just stress about anything... and I am so wrong (Don't panic..I am changing already.)!  Then I thought of the good moments with my family, friends, God, myself, etc. When I think about it I realize THIS IS A GOOD LIFE!

At times, I do not get why we humans love drama! We want our lifes to just like those cheesy movies and T.V. series! It is pathetic (Oh noo.. I am pathetic)! We wnat to feel like if there is supposed to be tension to feel some excitement about something and then we noticed that we could have made everything fun and joyful but because we are such drama queens, we mess everything up! I mess everything up! In this short moment God has grant us here on earth we are suppose to be free and happy and  remember, love God and do whatever you want!

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