martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Dust in the Wind

After my first day of class this 2012, I  begged my dad for an agenda! I'm very organized when it comes to my tasks and things I have to do so I always keep an agenda with me. My last agenda got lost! I do not know where, but anyways my dad will grant me one, so we went downtown to get one. We inmediately found one and he bought it for me! I was pretty excited because having one keeps my thoughts organized and the stress is less (I guess in some way) . As we returned home in the car, one of my favorite songs was being played on the radio; Dust in the Wind. It is not christian AT ALL, but I really enjoy it's message. The songs tells us about how everything on earth that we do, no matter how good we do it will not matter at the end, and all those things we go crazy about will dissapear because we are just dust in the wind! 

God created us from dust and when we die, we will become dust.What will matter at the end is what we did for God, if we completed our mission, that is what it is all about at the end! I am not saying that I will no longer be responsable and organized but I will no longer take so seriously my problems and my obligations I have to enjoy my time here on earth and be a good christian because God expects that from me, and from you too!

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