lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

2012! A Change for the Best!

A new year has come to us, this is the beginning of a new opportunity for everyone! Looking back at last year, I realize that I made many promises to myself. I was supposed to change for good some aspects of my life, but I was not able to complete my task. It is incredible how, we humans tend to loose interest in things that we were so excited about once, things that turn into a old memory or wish. Imagine how far we will get if we only accomplish all the plans we have for the year! How good a change will feel!
Take a Road of Change!

I don't feel like promising myself something right now I'm scared of disappointment at the end of this year but I have to make some plans! I will face my commitment in December1 So, my first plan is to read. T.V most not be part of my entire time, it affects my needs for reading since spending time watching television wakes an anxiety and  a need for more of it, so T.V. has to go for at least some hours! Drawing used to be one of my most current activities and I enjoyed my time practicing, that must happen again! And last but not least, I must be more with the Lord, a friend that I have ignore for some time, but yet He never leaves me! I recommend for somebody out there reading my blog, to try to speak to God or search Him, and do not expect an answer immediately, God works with patience and love, He will answer at the best time. To make a change in your life and everyone else life this 2012, start with God, I will do the same! I will inform you everything my blog! SEE YOU!

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