viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Is a Mistake an Error?

"Experience is the name everyone give to their mistakes" (James Joyce). How right could this quote be? There is true in it, totally. If we do not have mistakes in our daily life we won't learn how to live or enjoy living! Isn't it crazy how things go around!? From every bad situation something good comes out,a lesson is learned; lessons that we will carry in our hearts that can be to help others so they can't make the same mistakes as we did. WE USUALLY WE DO NOT HAVE FUN MAKING MISTAKES, OF COURSE, BUT MAKING MISTAKES IS WHAT MAKES FUN THE ROAD!

When we are concentrated on a goal or purpose sometimes we do not enjoy the route we take to it, because we are negative along the way and that is what the goal is all about, making everything as positive as we can! Nobody is perfect and God is not expecting for us to do everything perfect, He knows that we are humans and we make mistakes. We fall down but God wants to see how we get up. Be successful when you face an error you cannot reverse, face the fear and move on, it will be hard but the price will be the best!

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